The GENE KEYS are a rich, modern synthesis of millenia old mystic wisdom, put together by  Richard Rudd, a British visionair, poet and mystic.

It is a transmission of steps every human can take on his/her lifepath, which is simultaneously universal and unique. It is about the pathway from the illusion of separateness to the remembrace of unity consciousness. 

It can not be desribed in a few paragraphs, but can be experienced in a pesonal session or group constellation. Maybe I will write more about it at some later point in time. For now my GeneKeysGuide bio. You can also check the Events page or Agenda (in Dutch)


It’s by asking the questions,
the real questions,
it’s by pure honest inquiry,
that I uncover morsels of truth.
Never THE truth,
But morsels of the truth,
Tiny aspects of consciousness,
Soft spots of love,
Which, added together,
Mine, yours, ours, theirs,
Weave a fabric of lovely life.

And that’s the best I can do.

(Greece, May 2024)

If you were to come to me for guidance, I would ask you the real questions. And together we would enter the field of truth. We would use a systemic constellations approach and create a living map of aspects relevant to your question. Maybe specific Gene Keys, but anything will do. By using representative elements it is possible to commune with the various aspects of your question and get an embodied experience of these aspects and the (hidden) dynamics and patterns between them. That will be your answer and will provide you with an embodied feeling of newness.

I am a Dutch Gene Keys Guide who spends her time between the Netherlands and Greece. I used to live on Hydra and my Greek is fluent. So please reach out if you feel you would like to talk about the gene keys in Greek! Either in person, or online.

The Gene Keys entered my life in 2019. I started following the pulse (the GKs around the year), then followd the Golden Path sequences, entered the Dream Arc, the Guides course and currently I am (also) diving into the Seven Sacred Seals. And I will be joining Richard in London in November!

I have a background in a systemic constellations approach and use this process for myself and others to embody the gene keys, the sequences and anything related. You can read more about this proces in my guides bio or on my website.

The most empowering aspect of the GKs for me has been the fact that they taught me that I always was, am and will be whole. There is no healing to be done, for I am not broken. That doesn’t mean there is no work to be done… my vocation/medicine is ascencion !

My life’s purpose and pearl’s gift is synergy, so if you feel any resonance, please contact me so we can co-create!