Below text is an outdated version of what I now call Constellation of yourSelf(es)
For the Flyer (in Dutch) please see Opstelling van jeZelf(en)
If you are interested in my constellation work, please call me for more information on +31623115625.
4S Method
(This method is based on insights made accessible to me by Chris Dierkes.)
The aim of this method which I developed is to create more awareness and freedom of choice.
We experience a self with free will. Yet we cannot influence everything we want, we are also limited. Much of who/what we really are is unconscious. The tip of the iceberg story. We usually talk about our human Self: we have a human body with feelings, emotions, thoughts, will and beliefs. We can experience and express many things. And many things we cannot.
But besides our human Self, we also have immaterial (non-material) Selves. We are often even less aware of those. First of all, we have a unique Self: we are a unique being, with unique talents. Whether you believe that those talents are a combination of nature & nurture, determined by the position of the planets at your time of birth, in previous lives, or by your family history, doesn't matter much. What is important is that you have a unique combination of talents that allows only you to fulfill the role that suits you in this world. But only if you are aware of these (potential) talents and can embrace yourself exactly as you are, then those talents will become available to you.
In addition, you also have a universal Self. After all, we are all made of and part of one and the same source. Whether you call that God, or the universe, stardust, Spirit, or the mystery. That doesn't matter either. What is important is that you recognize within yourself that you are a universal being and therefore inseperable from and connected to everything. That realization gives peace and is empowering and humbling at the same time. When you are aware of your universal Self, you are aware of your qualities and the qualities of others. It makes you see the similarities, not the differences, between people, and not just between people, but between everything on earth. Awareness of the similarities enhances the possibility of connection with the other, care for the other.
By becoming aware of these Selves, your Human Self, your Unique Self and your Universal Self, you become aware of your human freedom and limitations, your unique talents and universal qualities. What you experience as ME is a sum of these three selves. Your Free Self is the aware Integrated Self that experiences choice and has free will, is Sovereign.
The more awareness you have, the greater your freedom.
At the same time, the more awareness, the more aware you are of what you cannot influence. Life as it happens to you. At the boundary between your free Self and life itself lies the opportunity to expand your awareness.
(And the opportunity to use your free Self to surrender to life itself - but that is worth a whole other exercise).
The goal of the 4S method is (more) awareness of your Selves, especially your unique Self and your universal Self. When you live in harmony with your unique self, you live effortlessly, you combine all your talents and you are creative and effective. At the same time, you will be clear and reliable to others because they recognize universal qualities in you. If you are aware of your universal self, you know which qualities you have and you also recognize them in others and connection is self-evident. The more people live in accordance with their unique universal self, the more potential there is to work together creatively towards a loving, sustainable world.
But how do you become aware of these Selves? The 4S method allows us to listen to the voice of these Selves. One by one we give them the opportunity to speak or to express themselves in distictive ways, for example with movement, body language or other creative expression.
You will hear from parts of yourself that are not usually heard.
The method can provide insight into questions that concern your unique role in the world, your talents, your life's work and also insight into questions that concern who am I, what qualities do I have? The process allows you to experience your freedom of choice.
That is sometimes an important first step in developing awareness: if we are not aware that we are more than a human Self, we can identify with the obstacles we experience in our daily lives. Then we experience ourself as limited and perhaps even as 'broken'. This method makes you aware of your wholeness, from which you can subsequently develop more awareness and more freedom.
The 4S method does not require a specific question, but it does require curiosity about a (possible) step forwards towards an (even) freer Self. And remember, you have free will, so you never do anything you don't want to do, neither during the process, nor afterwards!
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